How is poetic truth higher than historical truth?

 How is poetic truth higher than historical truth?

According to Aristotle poetry is more philosophical than history. He differentiates poetry from history in the following manner-

(i) History deals with particular persons, places or things; but poetry is not circumscribed by geographical limitations and it deals with the truth of a universal kind, with the permanent
features and tendencies of human beings.

(ii) In a historical narrative, the various events and incidents are narrated in chronological order and so the causal connection between them is obscured. But in poetry, there is a causal connection between the various incidents and events.

(iii) History deals with facts-what have actually happened; Poetry transforms those particular facts into universal truths. The poet thus needs an insight into human nature, a knowledge or grasp of principles.

Thus poetry deals with the inner reality, the core of life, the universal in life; history deals with facts. Hence poetic truth is higher and more philosophical than historical truth.
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