W.B Yeats as a Symbolic Poet

W.B Yeats as a Symbolic Poet

Symbolism in W.B Yeats poetry 

What is Symbolism? Critically comments on Yeats' use of symbols.

The alarm went off but wanting to steal a few more minutes of sleep, I turned it off and continued to sleep. It was half an hour later that I awoke with a start. Good gracious! I had to be in school by 8:30 a.m. and it was already 8 a.m. by the clock! I would be late for the audition of a play. ..
Wasting not a second more, I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom for a quick wash up. I was angry at myself for not reminding my parents to wake me up before they left for their offices. What an ass I had been!

Having no time for breakfast, I hurried out of the house and ran all the way to the main road to hail a taxi. Fortunately, there were a few around and I was soon on my way to school.

Glancing at my watch which showed 8:15 a.m., I consoled myself that it would be alright to be late b10 minutes or so. I leaned back to relax a little. The minute I did so, I nearly let out a scream. I had forgotten to call Lily before l left the house. My buddy had always been counting on me to be her 'alarm clock' and I had promised her the night before to wake her. She would probably be late for the audition and be mad at me.

As I wallowed in these miserable thoughts, the taxi suddenly came to an abrupt stop. We were caught in a traffic jam. Peering ahead, I could see a container truck parked near the curb. It had broken down and as a result, contributed to the road congestion.


For this narrative, remember to stick the story to just one day. You shouldn't be writing about something that took about 3 days to complete. Seeing that the narrative is open to just about anything that happened, feel free to make up something but be very clear about it.

After contemplating for a while, I decided to pay the taxi driver and ran all the way to school. The distance was further than I thought. By the time I reached the school hall, I was wet with perspiration, panting breathlessly like a dog that had run for many miles.

Being half an hour late, I had to face the wrath of both the teacher and Lily. The teacher was less sympathetic compared to Lily and was about to disqualify me for the audition. It was only through my fervent persuasion that she consented to let me have a try. But alas! I ended up sharing the notes with Lily who forgave me after my explanation and probably more so when she witnessed my pathetic plea with the teacher.

By then, my self-confidence was a little shaken and needless to say, I fared badly in the audition. I left the school with a heavy heart that day. What an unlucky day for me!
(500 words)


If the situation you are discussing is interesting, use short sentences and words with one or two syllables. Then when you read, you will sense the hurry. You will notice some of this in the passage. Long sentences tend to drag and so do words with many syllables. Again you see activity throughout the composition. There is no let-up. You have to keep reading to keep the excitement. If you do this, you are keeping to the mood of the composition; which is'hurry'.
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