The Dramatic Arc

                                      The Dramatic Arc

               A classical dramatic structure because this arc has its roots in classical Greek Drama, Freytay pyramid .The stages are .......
  • Exposition 
  • Rising Action 
  • Climax/Middle 
  • Falling Action 
  • Denovment /End 


➤➤➤ Exposition : The exposition is the introductory information in a drama. The exposition provides the background information needed to properly understand the story.

➤➤➤ Rising Action : During rising action the basic internal conflict is complicated by the information of related secondary conflict including various obstracle. 

➤➤➤ Climax / Middle : The climax is the highest point of influence of a story of a Drama.
Climax may represents a turning point which makes a change for the better or the worse.

➤➤➤Falling Action : Is the moment of reversal after the climax. Conflict between the protagonist and antagonist is revealed here. In fact the main part of the story starts heading to conclusion.

➤➤➤Resolution : The Resolution comprises events between the falling action and the actual ending. In other words it is the conclusion of the story. Conflicts are resolved. It is represented as a lesson observed by the audience all the details.

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